Saturday, October 8, 2011

The fat woman goes to Botswana

Yeah, I know, this blogging thing's much harder than I thought...  Fortunately I have some news to share!

Theuns and myself applied for jobs in Botswana and we drove through to Bots yesterday for our second interviews and we got the jobs.  We are hyper excited about this.  It will mean that Armandt will go to boarding school in Lichtenburg, but we've prepared him for that already.  Needless to say he was not impressed!

We will be working on a farm and this is just so awesome, coz since I've known Theuns, that was what he wanted to do.  So, farm here we come!  I will be working in the office, obviously!  It will be a great challenge, but I'm so ready for a change.  Out of the rat race into the farm life.  What a joy...

I've lost another couple of kilo's but nothing major.  Fortunately it's not falling off faster than lightning so that means I won't pick it up so fast!!!  And then there's the new life.  I believe this will improve our health and our physique!

And once again I'm so thankful for everything the Lord is blessing us with!  I'll let you all know that this was a matter of prayer only, for weeks!!!  And believe me, my friends, God answers prayers, never doubt that.  And always remember He will do it in His time, and that's the best time!!!

Well, Armandt is going to "veldskool" on Monday, so Mommy has to go and do some serious shopping!  I will try to keep up with this blog thing, but you know I don't make promises!!!

B xxx