Saturday, October 8, 2011

The fat woman goes to Botswana

Yeah, I know, this blogging thing's much harder than I thought...  Fortunately I have some news to share!

Theuns and myself applied for jobs in Botswana and we drove through to Bots yesterday for our second interviews and we got the jobs.  We are hyper excited about this.  It will mean that Armandt will go to boarding school in Lichtenburg, but we've prepared him for that already.  Needless to say he was not impressed!

We will be working on a farm and this is just so awesome, coz since I've known Theuns, that was what he wanted to do.  So, farm here we come!  I will be working in the office, obviously!  It will be a great challenge, but I'm so ready for a change.  Out of the rat race into the farm life.  What a joy...

I've lost another couple of kilo's but nothing major.  Fortunately it's not falling off faster than lightning so that means I won't pick it up so fast!!!  And then there's the new life.  I believe this will improve our health and our physique!

And once again I'm so thankful for everything the Lord is blessing us with!  I'll let you all know that this was a matter of prayer only, for weeks!!!  And believe me, my friends, God answers prayers, never doubt that.  And always remember He will do it in His time, and that's the best time!!!

Well, Armandt is going to "veldskool" on Monday, so Mommy has to go and do some serious shopping!  I will try to keep up with this blog thing, but you know I don't make promises!!!

B xxx

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm back!

I've been bad with this blogging thing....  Never get the time anymore to do this!!!!  That kinda sucks, but we'll manage.

Hope my blog finds everybody in good health.  Unfortunately not all's that healthy on my side.  Armandt has a tummy infection as well as tonsilitis.  He's still sleeping.  We'll probably have to get the tonsils out sometime during the upcoming school holidays.  But luckily he's a strong little boy and he will get over it.

From my side, well, if the scale ain't lying, I've lost 5kgs so far!!!  Yipeeeee!!!!  I can feel it in my clothes, my pants are trying to slide off my bum!  Hopefully that's not the only place I'm losing now.  I need it all over!!!

Today I want to mention 5 things that I'm gratefull for.

  1. My faith
  2. My hubby and my son
  3. My loved ones
  4. My job
  5. My colleagues (without them my life would be soooo boring!!!  Thanx guys and girls for always making me laugh!!!  I love all of you!)
Is there anyone that wants to share their 5 things to be gratefull for???  I would love to hear from you all!

Well, sounds like my patient has awoken and I need to go administer some medicine.

Chat to you all soon!  God bless you and keep you safe!

B xxx

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ahhh.... Weekend!

GREAT NEWS!!!  Weighed myself this morning and guess what?  I'VE LOST 2kg's!!!!  I'm sooo excited!!!  Once I have my toes fixed properly this fat woman's death warrant is signed!!!!  THANK YOU LORD JESUS FOR THE WILLPOWER!!!

People, this is fantastic.  Sorry if I carry on about this, but wow...  I am on my way!  Actually want to jump on a bicycle and cycle 20km's!!!  hahahahahaha!!!  That would probably kill me!!!!  Phew, just thinking of it makes me feel out of breath.

Hubby got home at 01h30 this morning from somewhere close to Marble Hall.  He's got a massive headache from too little sleep, so he's gonna pass out within the next couple of minutes.  That is if he hasn't already.  :-)  He's been working so hard, I'm getting worried about him.  I've been feeding him good supplements and vitamins for about a month now and I hope it kicks in soon!

Armandt is doing well too.  Turning into a proper teenager, even though he's not even 13 yet.  I think he's working on his attitude already...  Lord please give me the strength and wisdom to be able to handle this without being a bad mommy...

I miss my god parents...  I wish that they would just come and visit already.  This house needs more people!!!!  It's way too quiet here.  I'm sitting in the study with the hi-fi blaring, Hubby snoring in front of the TV and Armandt probably on his PC in his room...  Sometimes feels like I'm the only live entity here.  But...  I will not wallow in the mud.  I'm already thinking what I can move and what I can clean or something!!!  :-)

Well my friends, I'm off now.  Got things to do, oh yes, just remembered!  Gotta dip the dogs today as well!!!  Yippee, something to do!!!!

Gotta fly!  God bless you all and speak to you soon.

B xxx

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

At last!

I have been battling for DAYS to get a post done!  At long last I am able to.  So happy!!!

I am pleased to report that I have been sticking to my eating plan, just not getting 4 litres of water in my body per day...  That's the big battle now.  Wayne's been encouraging me, but gee wizz, that's a lot of water!!!

Through the grace of God, I am feeling better and believe it or not, more at peace with myself.  It's like a whole new journey, a whole new me.  Dinners are now carefully planned and portioned.  And wonder above wonder, my men are enjoying it too!  Thank you Lord for giving me the will power to do this.

My left toe is driving me crazy...  I think I lost a piece of the scab somewhere...  But it hurts like crazy, so I'm not walking as much as I should.  The doctor also told me to slow down.  I'm still unable to wear closed shoes, so these little toes need to heal fast now!  The stitches are coming out on Friday, hopefully.  Will let you all know what happens next!

Well, not a long post today as I have to get back to work now.

Chat again soon!

B xxx

Friday, January 21, 2011

About this blog and me

22 January 2011

This is my story, I hope that this will inspire others to pick themselves up and keep focused on our Almighty Father.

Today is the start of a new life for me and my family.  My name is Bernadette.  I am 36 years old, married to Theuns (39), with one son, Armandt (12).  Wow, but we're getting old!!!  :-)

My blog will be about my battle against obesity, as they call it in America, or just plain being fat, in South Africa.  Maybe I'll throw in some other info as well, while I'm at it!

I am 1.7m tall and currently weigh 115kg.  Nobody believes me when I tell them what I weigh, but believe me, it's true!  I'm usually pegged at ±80kg.

Being fat runs in our family.  On my mother's side...  True Boer blood they say.  They were built to last in the old days.  Well, there must be some truth in that, if I listen to my aunts and mom!  Gran used to live on the farm alone after Grandpa died and she was one tough cookie.  She ran the farm and the workers with an iron fist.  She did not take any trouble from nobody, that included the children.  :-)  She was a real granny, big and soft and I used to love sitting on her lap.  She was very tender with us grand kids.  My mom, turning 60 this year, used to weigh 130kg plus.  Then she started losing weight.  Up to this day I don't know how she did it, but she dropped the weight and ended up being thin again.  During this process of losing weight she also got divorced.  Dad did not like the new thinner wife.  Then he started dating tiny women...  Wonder what chemical imbalance caused that???  But never mind, I'm getting off course.  The divorce turned my life upside down.  I'm the eldest of 3 and I was only 10, I think?  But more on that in another post...

Back to the rest of the family.  My aunts and uncle are all big people.  I think my uncle Butch is almost 7 feet tall and he's built like a brick wall.  No fat on him though!  My aunties have all been fighting the bulge, like most of the population.  But they've stabilised their weight and they're happy with how they look.  And if, one day, they might stumble on this:  Hallo julle almal!  Ek's lief vir julle!  I don't see them as overweight.  Maybe I'm prejudiced, but they're lovely!  :-)  And the same battle continued throughout the generations.  Most of the children battle with weight as well.

But enough of the family, this is my story!  Just some background for the sake of people that don't know me...  So, back to the present time.  Me = FAT!!!  I have a wonderful friend that lives in KZN, Wayne, or Teddy Bear as I call him.  I had a long conversation with him yesterday and he's the inspiration behind this blog.  Thanx Teddy!  He's also battling the bulge, just like me, and he gave me some solid advice.  So, I'm taking his advice and starting the killing of the fat woman in me!  I will keep you updated on my progress, my pain and my adventures on this journey.  Please feel free to share advice, ask advice even just chat.  I'm very good with relationship advice too!  :-)

Back later or tomorrow!

B xxx